Since Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 users can choose the slide size and dimensions as per their needs. In Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 even words and the body can be made to animate with innovative and unique styles. Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 new slide designs have been added to the database through which the users can choose slides and readymade designs, users can also download more designs from the internet. In Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 users can make a custom slide show and the whole thing can be created on how its suits the users the best. Users can also add pictures, clip-arts and also many other special effects such as slide transition, custom animation, adding sounds and voice clips to the presentation and so much more. Users can add slides from a very vast number of new types of slides. Microsoft PowerPoint is the best presentation making tool as it allows users such a vast number of options to customize their presentation to make it look good and more efficient. Microsoft PowerPoint comes as a bundled product which comes with Microsoft Office. Overall, Microsoft Word is the most widely used and most efficient text editor. Microsoft Word now allows a very vast number of editing options in every small aspect. Users can also translate any particular language to another language of their choice. Microsoft Word can now also be used to add cover pages and watermarks to their work to make it more innovative and to maintain their copyright. Microsoft Office can now also be used in many of the regional language. Users can also add special fonts that are only available for Microsoft Word and fonts can also be downloaded from the internet. Users can use it to edit documents, write documents, add photos in the documents, and add special effects and so much more with just a single tool. Microsoft Word is the best text editor when it comes to printing and editing at the same time. Microsoft Word comes as bundled product which comes with Microsoft Office.

Microsoft Office when first released used to be only available with three applications which can also be seen using by people in the modern world, they are - Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel and Microsoft PowerPoint. Microsoft Office 2010 now also supports Mac OS X, so it is not a point to worry for Mac OS X users. Microsoft have been making the document editor more modern looking and also more modern looking with more editing tool the new Microsoft Office is a dream tool for a man who works with these daily.

Since its release in 1990 the software has developed in many fields and has started to pose as the ultimate winner in document editors beating. Users have been using Microsoft Office since generations now. Microsoft Office can be seen in every computer in an office because it is the easiest and fastest document editor in the world.